Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Day of the Home Inspection Is Upon Us!

Ok - with that out of the way, we're at "the day". Yet, I haven't a clue what today will bring. My plans are:

  • Drop bike off at shop over lunch (did not Bike In today, but hope to tomorrow)
  • Leave the office at 3:30 and pick up bike
  • Go home and run around with puppies for awhile
  • Lock up said puppies
  • Ensure that I haven't done anything to disrupt the pristine condition that my sister-in-law has left our house in
  • Worry about what the heck is going to occur at 5

See - I'm STILL not really sure what to expect. From The Child Welfare Information Gateway:

Home visits primarily serve to ensure your home meets State licensing standards (e.g., working smoke alarms, safe storage of firearms, safe water, adequate space for each child, etc.). Some States require an inspection from the local health and fire departments in addition to the visit by the social worker. The agency will generally require the worker to see all areas of the house or apartment, including where the children will sleep, the basement, and the back yard. He or she will be looking for how you plan to accommodate a new family member (or members, if you are planning to adopt a sibling group). Social workers are not typically inspecting your housekeeping standards. A certain level of order is necessary, but some family clutter is expected. Some agencies would worry that people living in a "picture perfect" home would have a difficult time adjusting to the clutter a child brings to a household.

I read that as "we're ok" -- well, I think I pulled the battery from one of our smoke detectors over the weekend because of smokey cooking conditions, but I can just plug that back in. I think I'm going to quickly mop the basement floor because, well, if it's going to be looked at, stickiness may be frowned upon. We'll see, though - this whole ordeal has actually given me anxiety dreams.

Will write post-inspection.

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